About Mrs. Berta Kamprad's Cancer Foundation

In the early 1950s Ingvar Kamprad’s mother was diagnosed with cancer. The treatment she received could not save her life, and in 1956, she passed away, 53 years old. After his mother’s death, Ingvar Kamprad started a fund to raise money for cancer research and in 1986 he founded the Mrs. Berta Kamprad’s Cancer Foundation with the purpose of supporting the research and treatment of cancer diseases, preferably by supporting the cancer research conducted at Skåne University Hospital, Lund.


Apply for research funding

Applications for research funding are made online via the Funding application form. Please register a user account to access the form. Log in to receive further instructions.

For the application to be valid, it must be completed within the set deadline for the call. Board decisions on the allocation of research fundings are made primarily at the board’s spring meeting, but can also be made at another time.

The application period for 2024 is closed.

If you have any questions about research funding, please contact Susanne André, susanne.andre@med.lu.se, telephone +46 (0) 46 17 75 01.

Thank you for your application.

Funding application form

The application form opens in a new window


Make a donation

To support cancer research, Mrs. Berta Kamprad’s Cancer Foundation is dependent on donations. Through very low administration costs, less than one per cent of the revenue, the foundation ensures that most of the grants will benefit modern cancer research.

Please use any of the following accounts to make a bank transfer.

Bankgiro: 900-7030
Plusgiro: 900703-0
Swish no: 123 900 70 30
Bank: Handelsbanken
BIC/IBAN: HANDSESS / SE65 6000 0000 0002 8072 3482
Beneficiary: Fru Berta Kamprads stiftelse (Mrs. Berta Kamprad’s Cancer Foundation)

Contact us if we can assist in any way.

Thank you for supporting cancer research.


Contact details

Mrs. Berta Kamprad’s Cancer Foundation
Telephone: +46 (0)10 614 55 43
Address: Box 700, 343 81 Älmhult
Organisation registration number: 829000-8088